Taxa with Images

This page provides a complete list of taxa that have images. Use the controls below to browse and search for images by family, genus, or species.
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Pleroma aemula
Pleroma asperior
Pleroma barbigerum
Pleroma bicolor
Pleroma bipenicillatum
Pleroma candolleanum
Pleroma carajasense
Pleroma chironioides
Pleroma clavatum
Pleroma cubense
Pleroma elegans
Pleroma estrellense
Pleroma fissinervium
Pleroma gardnerianum
Pleroma granulosum
Pleroma guartelaensis
Pleroma hatschbachii
Pleroma heteromalla
Pleroma longifolium
Pleroma mexicanum
Pleroma mirabile
Pleroma ochypetalum
Pleroma pulchrum
Pleroma stenocarpum
Pleroma tibouchinum
Pleroma trichopodum
Pleroma urvilleanum
Pleroma vimineum