University of Texas at El Paso Biodiversity Collections Herbarium (UTEP-Herb)The Herbarium contains well over 85,000 catalogued plant specimens. Overall geographic content of the Herbarium is approximately as follows: Texas, 24%; New Mexico, 22%; other USA, 32%; Mexico, 7%; other world, 15%. Herbarium materials at UTEP that are of special interest include an extensive representation of the floras of the desert mountain ranges of southern New Mexico and western Texas. Contacts: Richard Worthington, rworthin@utep.edu Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 21 May 2024 IPT / DwC-A Source: Digital Metadata: EML File Usage Rights: http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ Rights Holder: University of Texas at El Paso Access Rights: CC BY Address:
University of Texas at El Paso Biodiversity Collections Herbarium 500 West University Avenue El Paso, TX 79968 U.S.A. 1] 915/ 747-5871 Collection Statistics