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Collection Profile for:
Red Butte Garden in Salt Lake City (RBG)

Red Butte Garden, situated on 100 acres at the mouth of Red Butte Canyon in Salt Lake City, is the largest living botanical collection in the intermountain west. This community-funded project is home to a collection of native, ethnobotanic, rare, endemic, and geographically relevant plant species, the State Arboretum of Utah, and over 450,000 spring-blooming bulbs including one of the most diverse collections of Narcissus sp. in the world. Red Butte is a proud proponent of native plant research, and the conservation department is host to a small, but growing assortment of herbarium specimens collected as part of a commitment to that endeavor.


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  • 0 specimen records
  • 0 georeferenced

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Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
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Global Unique Identifier: abafb6b8-ad44-4984-987e-c3f5e51e2de2
Digital Metadata: EML File
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