Locality: Oaxaca, MX (17.005556, -96.622222)
Abstract: Oaxaca is the most floristically diverse state in Mexico. In most areas, there is still a great need for collections of and identification aids for Oaxacan plant species. This work is a flora of the tree and shrub species of a short tropical deciduous forest located in the central valleys region of Oaxaca, Mexico. The area studied is approximately 3,000 square hectares. It lies between 1600-1850 m and receives 625-725 mm of precipitation annually. The flora provides descriptions of 149 species accompanied by original line illustrations and includes two undescribed species, a Philactis sp. nov. (Asteraceae) and a Zanthoxylum sp. nov. (Rutaceae), and an extension of range for Hesperothamnus penthaphyllus Rydb. (Fabaceae). The species pertain to 45 families and 112 genera. Approximately 2% of the species are evergreen. Dominant families in percentage of species are Fabaceae with 19% and Asteraceae with 16%. Other prominent families include Euphorbiaceae and Rutaceae with 5% each and Verbenaceae, Burseraceae, Rhamnaceae, and Rubiaceae with 3% each.