Pat Hills Desert Grassland
Authors: Chris Roll
Citation: This checklist has evolved from a list reported by the author in "Vascular Plants of the Pat Hills Desert Grassland, Southeast Arizona." Phytoneuron 2020-44: 1-14. Vouchers are deposited at the University of Arizona Herbarium.
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Families: 74
Genera: 292
Species: 481
Total Taxa: 484

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Agave parryi Engelm. - Parry's Century-Plant
Grindelia nuda Wood - curlytop gumweed
Mammillaria wrightii Engelm. - Wright's Nipple Cactus
Polanisia dodecandra (L.) DC. - Red-Whisker Clammyweed
Calliandra humilis Benth. - Dwarf Stick-Pea
Mirabilis linearis (Pursh) Heimerl - Narrow-Leaf Four-O'clock
Gilia flavocincta A. Nels. - Lesser Yellow-Throat Gily-Flower